WANTED - dead or ALIVE :)

JAANIKA, 25, Cancer. Student. Estonia. Australia? Yes, I speak Finnish. No, it is not like Russian. Because. I do. No, he is not Estonian. I'm sorry. Dreams are to come true. If not, they were not the important ones or they have transformed to the new ones.
KASIA, 24, Cancer. Student. Still. Poland. This is the tricky question. It is in Europe. Have no idea if people are really happy about it, have to ask people. We don't use only horses now, imagine, there are cars and... tractors! No. I don't know why... Chasing rainbows. Because sometimes you have to.
Quess what were the questions we answered :)
Plan of the trip: Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Nurnberg, Karlsruhe, London, Cork, Porto, Coimbra and then some places in Portugal and Spain. We left the end of the trip as unknown and spontanious. Just to do what we feel after a month of more or less planned travelling :) For sure we want to end in Barcelona... from that place we will have our last flight together to London, and then... The road is falling apart. For Jaanika - England again, I am going to Vilnius :)
Let's hit the road then :)
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