Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In the middle of December...

Again a month and a half and I am not writing a word... But I am sure you'll forgive me ;)
Little update... so here I am - psychologist looking for a job... I am working for the Specialistic Centre for Developement Support and Therapy, but only as a volunteer and... I've just got to know that there is no chance this year for getting any money for that... So since yesterday I am thinking of what to do...sending CVs and application letters... The point is that I don't want to work anywhere, I want to work somewhere...too ambitious? Too stubborn? Maybe...just wondering when will I change my mind... Hope I won't have to... The Centre is the place I like working in...and it would be a dream for now - does anyone of you have the ability to make the dreams ocme true? Here is the one I ask for...for now ;)
Because except of that - everything else is just great... but about it next time :)


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