Sunday, August 14, 2005

The rest of hungarian story...

Still in Veszprem. At noon we decided to go to traditional Hungarian restaurant with Gypsy's music, and it was for sure right decision. Eating this food and listening to this music that evokes in the heart the feeling of nostalgy, just perfect combination that created atmosphere of being in a special place in a spacial time. And in this "middle of nowhere" our waitress, lady up to forties, turned out to... speak Polish :) Polish everywhere, tourist or Polish people or simply people that like the country and the language. Amazing :)
Later we did some sightseeing in Veszprem, which was charming with all these new buildings that anyhow fitted into the atmosphere of the town, said sad goodbye to Nori and Alari, and went to try how it is to swim in this strange Balaton. It was magical... with thounderstorm in the sky, coming slowly, lights of tourist resorts, and sound of waves... a little bit of dreaming...
But it was time to get back to reality. City again. Big city with lights. With million of lights that make you feel that behind each small one of them is standing a person... I was enchanted... And very very very sleepy. My eyes were like widely closed...
Only one more day in Budapest, one night and the morning. Sightseeing , sightseeing, sightseeing. Time planned to the very last moment, and so many kilometres that my feet were dying. But it was something that made me think how big this city was and how many things there are too see. There is still something I left for the next time, to have a reason to come back. Night with a glass of wine and Donau, stars and deep navy blue sky... But we have to leave...
In the morning we woke up earlier to have a bit of hiking and mountain feeling, nice view and relax. And bus to Vienna... Vienna... place for different story...
Thank you Istvan for everything, and good luck!!!


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