How it is to be a vacuum cleaner :):):)

Interesting title, isn't it? :) But this is what we became :)
Well, let me start from the very beginning :) I have to admit that wherever we went, we always tried the local food and drinks. Always. So I can sum it up that way - we were small alcoholics and we ate a lot. But nothing can be compared to our visit in Marco's place. Now we are having alcohol problem (we can drink a lot without getting drunk ;) and day without drink is lost day :P) and we weigh about 120 kg each ;) Explanation needed? So... we arrive to Marco's place and we... started to eat. Whatever was on the table, we had to try. Delicious tomato jam, marmolade, sausages, ham, cheeses... Altough we were not hungry, we just simply could not resist!!!
It was definitely bad bad choice for our diet to visit a friend whose mother is a cook!! :) Because the next day was mostly eating, eating, eating and in between - sightseeing. And also drinking, drinking, drinking. Good wine and something even better (sorry, don't remember the name... drink prepared by old lady)... And the next day the same... meals in Portugal are long and you have time to enjoy it... With friends or with family... Just take your time and enjoy the food. Enjoy the time with good food :) And that is what we were doing :)
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