Last day under the sun of Portugal

We left Marco's place on Monday morning. Time to see the big city again. Now I know what makes me sad a bit. This constant moving. Every second day and you have to pack and go back to the road. Hit the road... When you start feeling somewhere like at home, it is time to leave... I would not be able to be a snail. Not only because of the speed, but also because having your home with you does not change for me anything. It does not give you feeling of freedom, just takes away the feeling of belonging. It is nice to habe a place called home somewhere, even far away. To have the feeling you can always go back there and stay as long as you want. And then go on the road again, carrying the small world under your eyelashes.
But, let's stop this philosophical talk ;) Time to tell what happend on Monday...
So we got to Lisboa, found a hostel, where they apologised for... having two separate beds for us (!!!!!) and we went to... eat :) Of course :) The best in the world- Pasteis de Belem... RECOMMENED!!!! Or I would say-a MUST :) Then sightseeing, and saying sad "bye bye" to Marco. Not |goodbye| but SEE YOU!!! This trip convinced me that if only you want, you can always see your friends, wherever they are. Maybe not this year or next, but then will come the day...
Later we changed the room (not because we wanted one bed, but because of the noise :)), and we decided to see the capital during the night. It was nice. So many cozy places to go out, eat dinner, meet your friends... So we drunk a glass of wine in nice bar, and talked a lot. Actually we don't have so much time to talk only the two of us. It has some good point- we don't want to kill each other still, and there are evenings like that...But there could be more of them ;) Maybe not more serious Monday talks, just talks...
Next day... we went to see the castle and wander around the city. And time to go to Madrit... Whole night in the bus... Goodnight :)
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