Back home :)

Well, this is it. I am here. Back to Poland, back to Lodz. I left Tampere, that was my home for more then a year and 7 months... Back to parents' place, sharing room with my brother... will I survive that? Of course I will!!! :)
When you ask me how it feels to be back I have to say "OK". Because it is ok, it is ok this time... It was so horrible in July, but now I feel great. Maybe because I have many things to do, I have something to do with myself. I keep myself busy, and although I miss Finland, and my friends there, I feel ok to be here.
Have to admit I never thought I would say that... But I am. I know that everything in the world has its time, and this was mine. My time to leave Finland, my time to go back to studies. Who knows if I had enough strenght to do it later... Who knows. I am sure there are going to be days that I wish I could be back to Lapinkaari, to my life there. For now, I am finding positives of the situation in here. I have time with my friends I left for more then one year, I will see how my best friend is getting married... Those are precious moments.
One thing is for sure. I miss you all there. And I am grateful I had a chance in my life to meet all of you. It was a great lesson. It was someting that made a mark in my heart, mark that cannot be removed or forgotten. Never. Never.
Forever yours...
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