Million star hotel :)

Let's move to La Manga :) To rest for a while, no more big cities, no more sightseeing, just beach, sun, sea, sound of waves, salt on my skin... at least for a while...
We wrote a message to Pedro that we are coming on 1st of September, almost at midnight. And so we did. Quarter to midnight we got out of the bus and in a second everything was humid and gluted to my body... We looked around and... there was no Pedro!!! Where is Pedro? We waited for 15 minutes... 20 minutes... half an hour... noone... Hmmm... Or Pedro made a mistake with the dates or we had written it wrongly. Or maybe he had some meeting, and forgot. Or maybe something happened and he is in a hospital (after an hour we started to think it would be the best option, because "he is going to get there anyway ;)"). Answering maschine in the phone, no contact... Somehow we were not angry, this seemed to be... funny. I told you - Spain was full of surprises! And I had the night I was always dreaming about... Dreams sometimes come true in a very unexpectable moments...
So we took our stuff from the "bus station" and went to the nearest hotel to ask about some cheap place to stay. Yeah. Cheap. 70 euros. We went out and decided immediately. We know the cheap place. The BEACH. Hotel with million stars above. Whisper of the waves and warm wind... we don't need anything more.
Maybe... a bit of.. privacy! Because in the middle of the night appeared... no no, not Pedro,but a guy on the tractor cleaning the beach! I know that we must have been a nice tourist attraction, but after driving next to us for more then 20 minutes he... called his friend!!! They took beers and lit the cigarrets... Nice, but we want to SLEEP... Finally, after half an hour, everything calmed down and there were only we two, our sleeping bags and stars and waves. At least until the morning :)
You can take a look at our hotel room with Jaanika in it in the morning. Would it be possible anywhere else to take a sunbathe without moving from your bed?
I'm Spanish. From Barcelona. I'm very happy that you like our country. If you are in the South, visit Sevilla. It's the most beautiful in the world.
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