I put my dress on, I took my camera, went downstairs to meet my family and Hector, with Ania and Michal and their family we had a small drink and we went to the church.
Today they are going to become wife and husband. Voices full of emotions, soft light, sunflowers, and all that special atmosphere... Tears in some persons eyes... It is amazing to see how people that are your good friends are getting married, how they are joining their lives together, for good and bad times, in sickness and health... I could see the smile in their eyes today. And this made me feel this warmth inside my heart. I wish them so much love in their life, and happiness. Love that can heal the problems and sorrows, that can turn tears into drops of ocean. I wish them Love that will be stronger that the world around.
Ania is one of my best friends. I know her since I ... was 2. 2 months. Because she was born almost two months after me. So 24 years of our lives. Pretty long time... Good luck Aniu. Good luck to both of you!!!
But, I was supposed to write about the wedding as well. So after the ceremony in the church we went to the restaurant where the reception was held. Of course traditional elements were present - carrying bride through the doors, greeting with salt and bread, and breaking glass for good luck. The first dance that was like created for them, and then... let's have a party!! :) Food, drinks, dancing. :) Everything mixed and there was no excuse not to eat, drink or dance. And for Ania and Michal, not to kiss. Well, if the wodka is bitter, newly weds have to make it sweeter, right? ;)
The whole night was real fun :) I was dancing, taking pictures, eating and drinking a bit. And explaining from time to time to Hector what was it all about. He made friends suprisingly fast, so I was not the only one to tell about the small details of with Polish culture :)
At 6 o'clock in the morning, tired, me without my highheeled shoes, but really happy, we came back home. I enjoyed it a lot, and hope others, especially my guest, felt the same way :)
Ania, Michal, it was your night. Both young, both beautiful, both in love and both happy, you made me smile when I looked at you. And both dancing that night so much ;) You see, Michal :) It was just fine :)
Once again let me tell you "Wszystkiego najlepszego, Kochani, duzo duzo milosci i takiego szczescia, co pomaga dotknac nieba czasami" :)
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