When you turn... 100 ;)

Yes. I am old. Really old. On Saturday, 1st of April I celebrated my 100th Birthday :) nice age eh?
You wanna know more detail? How it is to have a party when you are that age? GREAT :)
When I came back to Lodz I met my friends from High School. We had been having a small group there - 4 girls and 2 guys. Called "4S+2" :) Let me keep the secret what it means ;) Anyway. We met in October and decided that we need to do something special... we are going to turn 25... one fourth of the century after all... and since we are 4... 25... the counting was easy - let's make our 100th Birthday!!! We took our calendars, we took the first birthday date and the last one, counted days to make it in the middle and... it was 1st of April - isn't it ideal for that occasion???
So we did what we had planned! Invited our common friends and not only (limited space :(), we made something to eat (actually mostly Bogusia and Magda did the best job. With my little help. Some unfortunately had busy weekend that weekend). We had music, we had place. And of course CROWNS :) Queens of the night ;) Plus some tricky ideas in our minds... ;) So when the guests came... we gave them something strange to put on the clothes, and some task to do :) AND LET"S GET THE PARTY STARTED :)
We started with few games to integrate everyone (those that did not know each other-we had to take care ot them :)) It was LOTS OF FUN :) Then talks and talks and eating and... first person started to fulfill the task :) Some had to sing, some dance, some say something :) It was also really funny :) and I have to thank here everyone that they took part in that!! :)
In the middle of the night we started dancing and "body moving". So much fun and good music (haha, me the DJ!!!) that even those "anti-dancing-I-don't-like-it!" decided to try and just enjoy the company :) I had great time :)
At midnight the cake, candles, and the biggest task of the night. Remember that strange things we had given our guests? Those colours devided them into four groups. Each group had to present one of us - when we are REALLY 100 years old :)... I can only say-the future sounds interesting :D
We ended the night with guitars and songs we all knew from hiking holidays, sailing holidays and somewhere over the rainbow :) At 4 o'clock. With strong decision we have to repeat it. Good party in a good company. I promise there are going to be some! :)
Maybe you simply know how to party when you are 100? :)
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