Lodz as a tourist attraction(?) And then...

So the wedding is over. Do you want to see how we looked like? Here you are :)
So next day we were sleeping long, having breakfast and .. going to vote. This is the election day in Poland. We are going to choose our president, but I am sure there is going to be the second round. Politics. I am not so much into, but if you do not choose, if you don't do anything, then you have no right to complain... And I want to have that right ;)
And after dinner with my guest we went to do small sightseeing. Ksiezy Mlyn was a workers' colony inside the city. There are sill the buildings, houses, school, factory, palace, that were there long long time ago. Still with the same atmosphere. I like that place, and the park there. It is nice to have the autumn walk in there.
What else we saw in Lodz? Radogoszcz - small concentration camp, old church, Technical University, Cathedral and White Factory (last three without me, but with my brother), and then my guest alone - Poznanski's Palace, Ogrodowa Cementary and plenty of villas in the city centre.
And how could I forget about out pride - Piotrkowska Street. With its hundreds of pubs and cafes, restaurants and shops :) With Hector we checked some of them,it was great "refreshing memory" for me ;)
Andthen? Then Warsaw... Unfortunately for me with fever, and illness that already started, but still nice time there with Iza. Of course we had to fight a bit, I am from Lodz, she lives in Warsaw, but I appreciate every minute I spent there :)
And time to say "goodbye". Hope with good memories from Poland, wish you really wonderful trip, one of the trips of your life. Trip to South America :) Make your dreams come true Hector :)
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