Important weekend

I want to tell you about one weekend that was really important for me. Last weekend. Weekend in a house in the middle of nowhere, with a group of people I have never seen before and that now are like friends for me... Maybe our ways will lead us into different directions, but they have a place in my heart now.
We were there participants of interpersonal training, part of the trainers' school. Having some expectations, we were not prepared, and we didn't expect what we were given there, what we gained...
Time of jokes, laughter, darkness (well, the light was inside us, candles and fireplace... with the electric there were some problems), joy and tears in the same time. I got to know more about me, and about the people that were sharing this weekend with me there. We shared something important there, and I believe I have discovered really precious people. I want to thank them once again for being. I appreciate every single word that was said there, it made me think, and made me FEEL.
I cannot tell you exactly what happened there, not only because I promised, but first of all, because I am still not sure. I felt what happened, I still can feel it somewhere inside me, but I'm not able to talk about it... Just cannot find words. I can just tell you that I have this energy inside me, that shines like a sun. And that I believe that the "only thing you HAVE TO is to DIE, but even here I am not sure, just that the statistics are pessimistic" :)
Want to leave you with one sentence here today. You can give others only as much of happiness as much of it you have inside you!
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