My Sweetest Tampere...

Here I am!!! Thursday evening, with the sun over my head, my friends next to me... I am going to stay for more then 10 days... I am so happy to be here, although there are some mixed feelings as well... Coming back...
How can I describe first few days? Let me think... I have met many of my close friends-Sylwia, Kasia (thank you girls for a place to stay...), Jaanika (my Girlfriend!), Gosia, Giovanna (hei hei, Italian Friend, Finland again...), Miia, Emmi... Pawel's Birthday Party. Getting to know new really nice people. Sun. Party. Dancing. Talking. Drinking. Having fun. Smiling. Coffee with a friend, dinner with friends, party with friends... Vappu in Tampere once more... SUN SUN SUN, picnic, movie.
Feelings? Joy that I could see you again. Fun that I always have with you. That feeling of comfort and stability to talk to you again. Some confussion about things that have changed. Trying to describe what I felt is like trying to define the colours of sky after sunrise....
This was a long weekend... A weekend that I enjoyed almost every single second out of it...
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