New Year...

Yes Yes, here we are... The last day of the year... The night that is like a bridge between the past and the future. The moment when the time stops for a second to let you think. The let you take a deep breath before you make another step. To let you make a wish. Moment that you can close some doors and open new one... You have a chance to leave what was bad behind and step into "today" with new account, tabula rasa (hmmm... you can have there what was good, a luggage of experience and personal treasures...). So let us make TODAY with faith and hope and love.
I know New Year is just a symbol... And everyone of us can have that "New Year" every day. Every day you can have your New Beginning... It is up to you... For me personally it is every Monday ;)
I want to sum up a bit last year... 2005... Year of many changes in my life... I moved out from Finland, came back home, started studying again (well... no comment ;)), started to work a bit in a field of psychology. I made a little trip inside me and decided to gain some inner peace.
Precious moments? MILLIONS! A trip almost around the Europe with someone, that is one of my personal pearls... Without My Pearls, My Friends, this year would be completely different. You made me laugh, cry, feel that I am alive, living My life. Supporting me, kicking my ass when I needed it, making me think, and appreciating little moments... Thank you for it...
What do I regret? That I don't have enough time for my friends, to meet them, to write them, call them, give them little things... I don't regret anything that happend, since there was a reason for every single experience in my life. I believe it makes us stronger, if we can treat it as a lesson. I am not saying, some of them were difficult to learn, but it comes with time.
What will I remember? Too much to list here...
What else?
I want to wish you Marvellous New Year... Hope 2006 will bring some surprises, hopes, some dreams that come true, some challenges that make you grow, moments of laughter and few moments of tears to appreciate what we are given, to open the eyes for what we don't usually see... I wish you adventures that create memories you are going to share for the rest of your life. I wish you meeting people on your way that are worth dicovering, since are bringing a bit of light to your lives... And guardian Angels that are keeping an eye on you...
Just make the Year 2006 Your Year!
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