Time to go... globetrotteuse :)

23.3o. Time to go. Time to move. Time to hit the Road... :) Without Jaanika this time, and I know I am going to miss her a lot, I kind of got used to having her by my side... But time to go somewhere alone, time to visit new countries, meet new people and find a bit of peace inside...
Where? Sunny Italia is waiting... Milan, the city of fashion... this year the city of Taize...
Many of you may probably ask - what is Taize? There is a village in France, where you can go and meet yourself and God. But I have never been there, although I wish I would one day.
I want to tell you about Taize Meetings, that are happening always at the end of the year, to say goodbye to the "old"year, greet "new" one, and pray for peace. Meeting not only for catholics, but for Christians, meetings where you learn how to talk, how to be open, how to meet God in another person. Where you can simply be. Where you can sing canons and listen to your heart. Listen what God is talking to You... Without someone else telling you what to believe in, but with a little guidence how to Listen...
I have already participated in 2 meetings of that kind - in Paris, and Hamburg. When I needed a bit of peace in my heart, time to make the puzzles of my life into some picture... And I found there energy, hope, and faith... sun inside others...
I am curious of this meeting... A bit afraid, since I am going alone, but I feel that I need to go... I will miss my friend, that was with me there those 2 times, Agata, I wish you could be there, but seems that now we are equal and next year we can go together again :)
So time to go. Time to start the next trip, this time not only to another place, but inside my heart as well... Time to have a little bit of time for things that are really important. Sightseeing the city and finding the answers inside me :) Exciting :)
Let's that trip to Milan and hopefully inside me, begin...
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