Treat me as an Angel and I'll be you lil' evil ;)

I am bad bad Girl... I know you are reading this blog and I am not writing... I'll put myself together now and TRY :)
So what is going on? I work with kids - every single day... and I am already a bit tired... but happy in the same time... Kids are amazing, just that if I could have bigger variety of the subjects we have workshops on... You know, every day I realise new things here... I am angry with the teachers that cannot see obvious things and treat kids in a bad way... I am happy with the teachers, that have this wonderful, warm attitude toward kids and make them feel important... I see that "bad-behaving and difficult" kids are often very intelligent and critical to what they see - they are not afraid to tell you what they really think... And it gives me lots of satisfaction when one single kid out of hundreds comes and tells, that you have changed something... Small things that you learn to appreciate... and small that makes you angry ;) just learning how to fight them ;)
I am studying to my exams now... So give me few more days of silence... Promise to be back here to tell you about the summer ;) And about some more things that are waiting in my heart and mind to be told ;)
Summer hugs since it feels like summer is back here... YUPI!!!! :)
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