Polish Juhannus - Noc Świętojańska zwana Nocą Kupały

Polish Juhannus... The shortest night in a year... in a Slavic tradition night of Love and Youth... Night when girls make flower crowns, throw them into water and guys are trying to catch them - the girl whose flowers you catch is yours... ;) The night when you have to look for the fern flower, the flower that is abloom only during this short night... If you find it, it will bring you happiness and will make you rich... Sometimes, knowing the legend, I am not sure it was worth, but maybe... Myths are myths... :)
Midsummer, althoght the summer is just starting... My flower crown was caught ;) so this year might bring something new ;) Let's see :) We had lots of fun with my friends that night... Let's take it as a promising beginning ;)
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