
The beginning of holidays... Me, lake, water, wind, and sailing jacht... I couldn't have imagined something more beautiful... maybe some small small details... but it was just perfect time, 10 days of active holidays in the way I love and I was already missing so badly!!!
Me, Ania and MichaĆ, my very close friends, and in the end also Agata, we were trying to catch the wind and sail where our eyes took us...
When I started to sail years ago, I never thought it could give me so much... When you hear the song of the jacht when the wind is strong, then your soul is singing the same melody... The wind blows away our fears... brings some peace... gives you space to think over whatever you have on your mind... Water helps to clear the thoughts... When you are a bit lost, or lose the ground, listen to the wind, and listen to the waves. That's what I do...
And Polish lakes? Amazing :) But I wrote about it before... Sun rises and sunsets... summer sun that makes your skin golden-brown... Summer nights, warm and full of stars... stars marking your way home, stars reminding you of your dreams... (just those damn mosquitos!! and damn motor boats!!!! :)) ANYWAY, IT WAS GREAT...
Now I am full of energy, full of life :) I can sing, I can jump, I can enjoy being a bit silly now :) Pity it is over, but I am happy I was there, in this moment, with those people :) I had funny, relaxing ten days :) ok, my ass was a bit too heavy to climb the boat sometimes ;) or I was too clumsy ;) And I have millions of bruises, as always :) but at least I feel I am alive!!! :D
Boys and Girls... I wish you great summer!!! :)
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