:) What an enigmatic title, right... I am explainging you why, and what happened :)
Since the very beginning... the same day I came back form Vilnius, I went to see my friend and... on my way destiny had put Him. Dark, funny, charming... a little bit rebelious... Since the first sight he won my heart. And there was nothing I could do about it... I have taken him home and... after some arguments, he stayed. Although I have almost lost him, he is still with me. Yes. My New Dog :) (and what did you think, heh? :P). My second dog. I have two, because I have two hands to cuddle and two legs to go for the walk. One was wasted before, such a waste. So now they are two, and in my one heart there is enough space to love them both. Yogi and Pirat. After some time they have found their way to share the house. To share US. And this is what fills my heart with joy.
And, when the situation became a bit "normal", I took my things and went with my best friends to the mountains. Just three days there. Only three days there. Three days, and after them I was absolotely enchanted, absolutely amazed, absolutely happy and I absolutly COULDN'T MOVE :) Everything was hurting me, my legs were not able to move, but this song of the wind I heard on the top of the mountains was in my heart. The tiredness I was missing for 3 years. Do you know this feeling when you reach the pick and, although you are exhausted, you feel you could run in that moment, because your soul is flying...
I still keep all the images, feelings, sights, inside my heart.
And the last, but not least - I have almost finished the first version of my thesis. Everything. Delivered to the professor, waiting for corrections. Still cannot belive it...