Thursday, May 15, 2008

Simply trust!

simply trust,
simply trust!
cherry blossoms in bloom

simply trust!
cherry blossoms flitting

simply trust!
cherry blossoms fall

simply trust
mountain cuckoo!
summer's first bonito

simply trust! trust!
dewdrops spilling



Did I tell you that surprises are something I like almost the most ;) Almost, because sometimes I am not sure at the beginning it is going to be nice or not. The last one definitely was one of the nicest and greatest surprises I got. When someone calls and says "hei, I can ... take a plane and be there with you tomorrow" :) and my evil heart says "more more more, do me like this more often" ;)
What else - did I mention to you about MC? Mr. Car. My Mr. Car :) Navy Blue. Stubborn. Has own style and own way. Always. Hopefully, always there :) Keep your fingers crossed for me, wild driver ;)


So here we were - not many people, sun, send, blue sky, sometimes claudy, but only sometimes, and sea. When I come back in my thoughts to those moments, the images are so vivid, that still cannot write about it. Those smells, sounds, colours... One I can tell - I had a great time. Although Christian said it was "a trip to Hel", which was partly true, there are things I will never forget. Barefoot on the sand, warmth of the sun while reading a book, friend just next beside me, hand to hold, shoulder to put head on ... Definitely to repeat one day :)