London - Tampere - Blageovgrad

The end of June and beginnig of July - I can call it traveling time :)
First - London, where I had workshops for students on ocmmunication and team building. I really appreciate the opportunity to work with those people there. The group was just brilliant, funny, positive, and mature in the same time. Not everyday I meet groups like the one there. The work was a pleasure. Evenings - sighseeing, with Michal, who made me walk so much, that my feet wanted to be cuy off ;)
And then - Tampere, the rest :) Finally! After two looong years, two weeks of life that seems to slow down a bit. Meeting my good friends - Miia, Johanna (and their kids! The time flies... or leaving friends for two years brings lots of surprises :)) Emmi, Jan... Jaanika was not there this time, pity, but it won't be long when we meet :) And of course Christian, who was so nice that shared small room with me :) ok, believe it was a pleasure for him as well, or... he had no other option :P I had great time there, and it seems that Tampere is always a place that brings some changes in my life... or start the process of change... :) Walking at MY lake, admiring the sunsets, when the big red or golden ball of fire is cooling down in the water, songs of the wind, getting a little bit lazy while reading the books... Looking for articles at uni made me realise that I like to be a researcher :) Met Chrisitan's friends, we even got some price at pub quiz :) Lots of fun, lauging and great memories.
But then the holidas end and I need to go back to reality. This time it was painless, as the very next day after coming back from Tampere (will remember the pilot and never fly with him again!) I was going to Bulgaria, for a project meeting. I am a essential coordinator of EU project "MANTRA - MANagement ThRough Autonomy" and we met to almost finalise all the issues. Blageovgrad turned out to be a small but really nice place, with millions of lightning bugs!! It was so beautiful to come back home in the night and see all those small lights all around you... Will never ever forget that!
Meeting went fine, partners are really nice and intelligent people, with great sense of humour :) So we were working, laughing, and sightseeing. I believe that Bulgaria is a beautiful country, that has amazing potential, just so much not used in the very moment... The nature is incredible and breath-taking, but the cities... coming back to Warsaw felt like huge European capital of a rich country...