Mazury 2008 - thousand lakes and us

This year my holidays are divided into pieces, but it actually seems to be pretty okey - week in Tampere, training, week at work, week at the lakes and then... and then later :) Now want to tell you about my sailing trip :)
After family dinners and visits we finally left for sailing. Through the country of sun, roads rennovations, fields of gold and deep forests, squizzed a bit, we finally reached Mazury. As we were after whole day of sailing, we decided to eat something - Christian, with "small hunger" decided to try the duck and... as the portion was huge, we were all wondering how much Christian eats when he is really hungry ;)
The time to conquer the world of wind and water. I have to admit that I love sailing and lazy holidays like this... With the sound of the wind and water, nature, colours, you have time to escape from everyday life... I could just take a book and enjoy my time there, without thinking, worrying... Just laughing, being lazy, smiling... all the best one can think of when hearing the word "holidays" :) We also had time to explore the forestes and went mushroom picking, which ended up with huge pot of mushroom soup that tasted like never before :)
But all good must come to an end. Even if we almost stayed there since the bus was full, managed to get back to Lodz. However, still have some holidays left, and sailing... every year new chapter of sailing is opened :)