Far Far Away...
Aftera bit gloomy period in my life I decided to add some colours to it and go up to Norway to visit a friend of mine and see Northern Lights... There is nothing better for heart then a great talk and beautiful views...
Thursday morning I pack my bagpack and head to airport - just two planes away from my weekend destination, Tromsoe :) waiting at the airport, always surroounded by Poles (jeez, we are absolutely everywhere!) and finally, a couple of hour later, there I am, in the Northest North I have even been :) Of course active Kasia immediately wants to go somewhere to see, see, see :) Have to admit, Norway IS amazing. Fall in love in those mountains and sea... Some things were just...different - like the lack of curtains or the fact that noone turns off the lights... but I like the houses, the views... although my wish for Northern Lights did not come true (ok ok, slightly little bit).
My weekend? Sighseeing, talking with friend, taking pictures, trying to make the best use from those two hours of "day"-light" (did I mention there wasn't sun breaking the horizont when I was there?), going out and meeting great people... I like that Norwegian sense of humour :)
After night (well, sounds strange saying that about a place where night lasts 22 hours) out, few hours of sleep - time to get back to reality... Planes planes... with some snowstorm in Oslo, manage to fly back after all (happy? well...)... Meeting friend in Warsaw and first summary of the trip...
Who knows, maybe those beautiful views were to start something new... never know ;)