Saturday's Night Fever :)

Oh yes, it was a fever :) First, I think I have to explain you why... There is such a strange tradition in Poland, that we don't really celebrate birthdays (exceptions: untill you are "young" - so 18, maybe a bit more... and the special ones, like 50...) - maybe because we don't want to admit that we are getting older? This slavic soul feels young forever, so telling every year to the whole world - "I'm older" is unacceptable. Noone looks at that as gaining the experience, growing up, but everyone sees it as the process that maks you closer and closer to death... grrr... Well, anyway, not to discuss WHY, the fact is that we DON'T (ok, I do. Just another reason to have a party :) like many young people nowadays... are we changing the tradition? let's see...) So anyway what do we do? There must be a reason to party for sure. So we gather our friends at least once a year to celebrate... name's day. Good reason, and so neutral, isn't it ;) There is a stereotype about such a celebration (remember, when you are young you have your birthday party...) - as a kid you always participate in "Aunt's Name's Day" which consists of - always a dinner, always SITTING around the table and talking, really horrible boredom (come on, parents are talking and drinking, and you have THE delicious apple juice and all that strange food when all you need is just a sandwich wih ham!:)). Anxiously waiting and waiting for... "you can go and play in the second room" - those are words that start tornado- all the kids suddently run as fast as they can (my gosh, someone might change his mind!) to the other room, finally free, finally happy, finally away :) Of course there is this thought in their minds "this lovely expensive shirt my mommy loves, I cannot destroy it" but who would actually care about it when there are at least two other devil cousins next to you ;) ... I didn't mention one very important part of the party... MUSIC... I cannot describe it, you should listen to it. There is very specyfic kind of music adults are listening on such a party... So this time, on Saturday, I decided to make such a party. Actually, it was my Name's Day, so why not to laugh about it... Of course we changed few things, but slowly, now having fun, we are simply getting used to this kind of celebrating that day... I can't disappoint my friends' kids in the future!! So what happened... My friends came after 7 to my place, with a pack of "Katarzynki" (those visiting me should know, the rest.... will know ;)) and with some booze :) and we started a party, with good food and "shitty" music. The music slowly changed to "normal" with some hits from the past :) we were talking, but not sitting around the table :) rather on the floor, trying vodka with lemon and coffee ;) I still have marks on the carpet ;) I finished the party at 6 a.m. And then, after few hours of sleep, time to meet new day :) I had such a great time with my friends that day. Had to get rid of my parents, but it was not that difficult... so maybe soon we will repeat that? :)