My eyes filled with green

I was amazed by the green. Green. Green. Green. My eyes became green. And I even think I started to have green heart.
Ireland is... green. I could not believe the stories, but it is true. So many shades of green that you cannot even name them. Some so dark, that almost brown, some so fresh and light, that seem to be unreal. And above all... mountains...
I can try to describe it to you, but only try. Everybody shoud see it, experience it... So... close your eyes (ok, only one, one still should read the blog ;)). And try to imagine spring. The very first touch of spring. With warm wind on your face and this smell. Smell of something about to begine. And the very first leaves, slowly coming up to sun. Can you feel that smell? And see that colour of green that just started to grow? Feel that? With warm sun and warm drops of rain - this is the image of Green Country I have now.
It was so picturesque, that I could stay there for much much longer then 3 days. I think I already know where I am spending my next holidays :) It is not about the cites or towns at all, although the atmosphere of Irish pub is unique and something you cannot find anywhere else. It is not about the people, although they are nice. It is about the nature. About the colour. About this green... About mountains and peaceful surrounding. About the peace that it gives you...
These were the "holidays" I needed :) Away from big cities, in Cork, visiting Jaanika´s friend Mariliis (thanks ;)) and Killarney doing nothing and enjoying it a lot. With the sun (yes yes yes, surprise! It was not raining, just few drops of light showers one day!) and... GREEN :)
Green hugs to all of you and... a pint of beer :)