Very Merry Christmas to You...

Christmas time. Candles and angels. Carols near the Christmas tree, full of sparkling tinsels... The smell of sprus, smell of my Mum's cakes, smell of Christmas... This year no snow, but I don't mind. Christmas time is about something else... maybe I lost this feeling a bit, but I still remember what it meant for me when I was a child. How much I waited for the First Star, wishes, Santa Claus. How wonderful it was to gather in my grandma's house, all together, with my Mum's brother and sister with their families... It is a bit different now. We are in my place, just the 6 of us - my Parents, Grandparents and my Brother. And this is enough to make that time special. Magic. With angels in the air, that you can almost see if you really want to... Time with your family, time when you can start everything from the very beginning. Time filled with Love and Hope and Faith. I wish you all very Merry Christmas... To those that are here in Poland, those in Finland and other parts of Europe, those in Asia, and those travelling through South America. Wish you all warm feelings those days, that grow in your Hearts and remind you of the Christmas Spirit wherever you are. It is so easy to lose it nowadays. Let's not forget what are Christmas for... The are just for us and people close to us. To let them know we care. Christmas are special, because we make them special.
I have my Angels on the Christmas Tree. And I will make them Guardian Angels for You...