guess what. guess where

:) I am... in Finland!! :) yes yes, you´ve heard correctly :) I am sitting in Susana´s place in Helsinki right now, soon in Tampere... Why? to find some more articles, to see my friends... to feel Finnish spring again :) Actually, have I ever told you that Finland has its special smell? No? Well, you have to come here to check that. I think there is something from the wood, from the see and from the lake in it... Like when you feel the tree growing on the shore...
But tonight my abilities of describing are poor. I am too excited and ... stressed a bit. Why? Because so many things are different. And I have time to think about myself again, isn´t it scarry?
No, still I have to say I am more happy then worried. I am going now to enjoy the sun, although a bit cold, but shining stronly, and that smell.... Finnish Spring.