Students' life again :) at the beginning and in the end...

No work, no duties anymore in Tampere. Except one - studying... Have to collect some materials to my MA's Thesis... After spending many hours in front of computer in the computer classroom at the university every day, after days filled with the articles about andropause, guys over 50, stereotypes and somekind of problems, I felt I can be an expert in that sometimes :)
But the evenings were mine. Mine and my friends. Time for a coffee or a beer, time to go for a walk or do some shopping together, time for a dinner and sauna. I felt a bit sad that I don't have enough time for all of them, time they deserve,time I would appreciate to share with them. But at the beginning I didn't feel I am here just with a visit, I felt like at home, and then that rush... Next time I will be back for a month! :)
I had really great time in Tampere, and in Helsinki as well. Girls' talks, friends' talks, boys' talks (almost ;)). Quiet evenings with dinners and loud parties. Or dinners that turned out to be parties. A bit of alcohol, liters of coffee, fun fun fun, dancing, singing, enjoying. Carpe Diem in full meaning :) Party in Sylwia's place, Gosia's place, Kasia's "Goodbye" Party. Onnela and Doris. :):):) Evenings that spontaniously turned out to be crazy and amazing. Sunday KauppiSauna with Kathi, Spanish dinner in Javi's and Jaanika's (hihihi) place and so much more!!! I had so much fun there, some stupid things I did, some very wise, falling asleep during the afterparty, it was just amazing :) To sum it up:
I owe you ALL my biggest hugs, and I am grateful to have met you there and talk to you and see you. Special "thank you" for my friends I was staying with. It is not the last time :) Promise :)
I am holding those memories deep in my heart. Forever. Although it is not my home anymore, I feel like at home, not only because of the place, but mostly because of people there. Few tears about saying "see you" but now I believe I will see you soon... I will. We will.